
Приказују се постови за фебруар, 2017

Do Brits really love to queue?

It’s been said that the British love a queue; that they’ll join a queue then ask what it’s for. That’s patently untrue. When the queues started to spiral out of control at Heathrow airport howls of indignation began to drown out the sound of the jet engines. Our resident Brit confirms that the Brits resent queuing as much as anyone. The only difference is they have utter respect for the convention and loathe anyone who tries to manipulate it. Perhaps it’s a vestige of the World Wars when rationing made queues a necessary part of life. Everyone is equally miserable in a queue and that suits the average Brit just fine. As a result, they queue for the bus, the cinema, the supermarket checkout and the portable toilets at festivals. Brits will actively look for a queue even when none exists, asking, “Is this the end of the queue?” So, if you want to make it in the UK, learn to respect the queue. Never jump the line or push in. Don’t ask the person behind you to mind your pla...

Untranslatable words in French

Vous avez pris l’habitude de traduire chaque mot français vers votre langue maternelle ? Il vous arrive de ne pas réussir à trouver le mot équivalent dans votre langue ? C’est parfaitement normal ! En français, on dénombre une quarantaine de mots et expressions qui n’ont pas de traductions exactes ! Voici une liste :   1. Le dépaysement (être dépaysé) C’est un sentiment, une sensation agréable que l’on éprouve lorsqu’on se trouve à l’étranger, loin de notre pays. Les paysages, la culture, la langue et les mœurs sont vraiment différentes. Alors, on se sent loin et complètement détaché de notre pays et de notre culture. 2. Un pied-à-terre C’est une résidence secondaire ou un appartement où l’on va occasionnellement dans une autre ville. On s'y rend pour le travail ou en vacances. Exemple :   J’ai un pied-à-terre à Paris, ça me permet de venir souvent dans la capitale. 3. Des retrouvailles C’est quand on revoit une...

Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju i Concord Language School III deo

Podr ška profesionalnom  razvoju nastavnika primenom elektronskog portfolija  Milica Grahovac Izlaganje o teorijskom i praktičnom objašnjenju u vezi sa elektronskim portfolijem nastavnika koji predstavlja digitalnu arhivu podataka i doprinosi permanentnom obrazovanju nastavnika. Milica Grahovac daje odgovore na pitanje zašto je e-portfolio koristan i kaže da ga nastavnici mogu iskoristiti za ličnu promociju, prilikom konkurisanja za posao, za napredovanje u karijeri i prilikom spoljašnje evaluacije. E-portfolio je skup dokumenata i radova koji opisuju proces napredovanja nastavnika. Može se čuvati i objaviti na internet mreži i učiniti javnim. Izgled e-portfolia zavisi od aplikacija koje koristite i veb-alata .   Panel diskusija: Integracija e-portfolija  Marija Krneta, Tatjana Glišić, Jelena Najdanović Tomić Da bi profesionalni razvoj nastavnika bio trajni proces, on mora da se odvija u školi, ali i van nje kroz različite vidove planiranog...

Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju i Concord Language School II deo

Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju 2017 Probudimo kreativnost domaćim zadacima – Vera Isailović Kako zainteresovati učenike da rade domaće zadatke? Profesorka zadaje domaće zadatke putem interneta na Moodle platformi. Ti domaći zadaci su na dobrovoljnoj bazi, 3 urađena zadatka = plus, 3 plusa = mala petica, 3 male petice = jedna velika u dnevnik. Domaći zadaci su uglavnom u formi istraživanja, projekata... Uglavnom teorijsko predstavljanje. Kako koristiti Google maps u nastavi – Milica Marković Na zanimljiv način, kreirajući sopstveni google maps učenici su napravili putanju kretanja puka Antonija Isakoviča – Seobe. Takođe, ubacili su i osnovne informacije o tim gradovima. Kkao bi taj njihov projekat bio predstavljen široj populaciji, učenice su napravile bar kod koji, kada ga učitate, daje sve te informacije i koji su stavile u sve primerke knjige seobe koje se nalaze u školskoj biblioteci. The Tower block – Kristina Radojičić E-twinning platforma...

Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju i Concord Language School - utisci I deo

Concord Language School tradicionalno posećuje predavanja na konferenciji Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju. Ovog puta, da bismo nama ali i našim kolegama olakšali primenu noviteta u nastavi i radu, pripremili smo rezime vrlo korisnih predavanja.  Aktuelni trendovi u HR-u, korak napred Radmila Tanasijević (Unicredit banka) Poslovna ekonomija doživljava veliki broj promena u skladu sa digitalizacijom i sveopštim promenama na tržištu rada. GIG economy je novi termin koji podrazumeva ekonomiju honorara tj. angažman zaposlenih za posao i rad koji je potreban na ili za vreme koje je potrebno. Promena poslovne ekonomije ogleda se u tome što će za 5 do 6 godina globalno 2/3 zaposlenih činiti takozvani milenijumci čiji su glavni kriterijumi u odabiru radnog mesta: Kontinuirani razvoj, Obuke tj.mentoring, i naposletku plata. Organizacija samog posla unutar kompanija prelazi na organizaciju rada u timovima, tj.mrežama timova koji se prave na osnovu zajedničkih karakteris...

IELTS exam

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test.  More than one million people a year are now using IELTS to open doors throughout the English-speaking world and beyond.  It can help you live, study and work around the world since  it is recognised by more than 6,000 organisations worldwide. The tests are available in more than 120 countries in over 500 locations, with test dates available up to four times a month. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures the language proficiency of people who want to study or work where English is used as a language of communication. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user (band score 1) through to expert (band score 9).   The IELTS test comes in two modules: Academic - for people wishing to study in English at undergraduate or postgraduate levels and General Training - for people wishing t...
I LIKE A NICE CUP OF TEA IN THE MORNING... , AND THE AFTERNOON ... , AND THE EVENING Whilst many countries love their tea, UK citizens, and the English in particular, are particularly proud of being ‘tea people’. This reputation is not just a typical stereotype either – the average UK citizen consumes nearly 2 kilograms of (dry) tea each year. When you take into consideration that quite a few grown-ups (and most children) drink little or no tea, the amount of tea a British tea drinker actually consumes is even higher. The stereotype of the British tea drinker is generally considered a positive one, and even those who don’t partake will happily use phrases like ‘as English as a cup of tea’, and describe something they like or are well suited to as ‘just my cup of tea’, and things they don't like as 'not my cup of tea'. It is interesting that the country with the world’s highest per-capita use of tea doesn’t actually grow tea of its own. THE HISTORY OF TEA IN THE ...

Bilingual Brains May Be More Efficient, Less Prone to Dementia

Bilingual brains are more efficient and economical with cognitive resources than their monolingual counterparts, which may help stave off symptoms of aging and dementia, according to new research published in the journal   Neurolinguistics . For the study, a team of Canadian researchers led by Ana Inés Ansaldo, Ph.D., a professor at Université de Montréal, compared functional brain connections between bilingual seniors and monolingual seniors. The findings revealed that years of bilingualism appears to change how the brain carries out tasks, particularly those that require concentrating on one piece of information without becoming distracted by other information. This makes the brain more efficient and economical with its resources. “After years of daily practice managing interference between two languages, bilinguals become experts at selecting relevant information and ignoring information that can distract from a task,” said Ansaldo, a researcher at the Centre de re...