U Concord Language School često se dešava da, prvenstveno zbog stručnosti i predusretljivosti naših profesora, polaznici potpuno zavole jezik koji uče, kao i same profesore i time zaista mnogo doprinesu poboljšanju svojih kompetencija na ciljanom jeziku. Nakon najmanje nekoliko meseci, a neretko i cele godine, rastanak svima teško pada pa je u ovoj situaciji naša profesorka engleskog Olivera Kujundžić opevala svoju grupu polaznika i time im napravila prigodan poklon za kraj njihovog kursa. 

Evo onda i same pesme naše drage Olje:

The awesome five
Once upon a time 
There was a group
In Concord school 
They were so cool
But when it was stuffy 
Their English was poor.

Those five guys
Were all about English
They were so wise
They liked to revise
Let me tell you 
About them clockwise.

Zika the Handsome
That’s his nick name,
Decisive is what he is,
He acquired the word with ease,
He’s great at making up his mind,
The best that you can find.

Denis, the master – man
Improvement is his word
He’s looking for master studies 
All around the world.
Paris, London, Rome,
'cause there's no master for him at home.

Bato Seko, passed the test
Now he’s real estate man,
For Bato Seko there’s no rest
AutoCAD, drawing floor plan,
His favourite skill is writing,
Reading his essays is very exciting.

And here’s Luka, also known as Kiki,
For him, English is not tricky
There is only one thing that bothers him
He would change I was, to I was be,
The rest of English is OK,
That’s what he would say

And Goran, last, but not least
On his English classes greatly missed,
Busy busy busy but he knows by heart
That two negations are always apart.
Double negative was his department
Even when he was absent.

Goodbye, goodbye
The awesome five!
See you again,
Somewhere in Spain!


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