Učešće na seminarima, radionicama i kongresima namenjenim profesorima jezika uvek nam donese nešto novo čime možemo da unapredimo naš rad i rezultate naših polaznika. U nastavku je i rezime naše koleginice sa skorašnjeg seminara za profesore engleskog jezika: inovativno, motivišuće i inspirativno!!!

“Innovate. Motivate. Inspire.”
The English Book Day
14th November 2015 Sava Center, Belgrade

“Something for Nothing – Creating Low Cost Materials for the Primary Classroom”  Julietta Schoenmann

How can we create and use low cost materials with our pupils to develop and improve their language skills?
·         Disappearing dialogues through drilling to improve speaking skills
·         Varieties of puppets (sock/face on a finger/face on a fist/origami/shadow puppets) as additional speakers and making them unique (creating their name, likes and dislikes, laugh, catchphrase, secret) ; organizing simple puppet theatres
·         Storytelling to develop listening skills (Big Blue Fish and Small Red Fish)
·         Making grammar and vocabulary fun (wooden spoons to practise grammar and balloons to practise lexical sets)

“Letting Go”  Steve Taylore-Knowles

·        As teachers, we may need to change our perspective on what our role is, and think of ourselves as facilitators of learning, rather than as someone who imparts knowledge.
·        Independent learning does not mean ‘doing things on your own’. Rather, it is about transferring responsibility for some aspects of the learning process from the teacher to the learner.
·        It involves students understanding what they are learning, reflecting on their learning, accessing appropriate support when needed and developing research skills.
·        Above all, it involves creating learning situations where students are able to make meaningful choices.

                 Finding ways of developing classroom work into further tasks
·        After reading: offering your students a choice of tasks (designing a classroom survey; writing and performing  a conversation; choosing something from the text they would like to know more about-research and present)
·        Get students to find new information connected to the topic-the answers are online or in a dictionary

“Teaching English Through Film in a World of Screens” Kieran Donaghy

“ We live in a world of moving images. To participate fully in our society and its culture means to be as confident in the use and understanding of moving images as of the printed word. Both are essential aspects of literacy in the 21st century.”
British Film Institute, Film Education
·         Showing film clips
-Watching and paying attention to the setting, story, sound, symbolism, camera, colour, character or culture, leading to discussion and debate
-Generic activities- showing a film clip without sound, writing a dialogue, showing it with sound, making predictions, role-play
-Activities to help students learn vocabulary:
  1) After watching a film clip give your students a set of target words and expressions. (Who said…?)
  2)…or give them ten words and expressions, their task is to watch and tick five which they hear in the clip
  3)…or give definitions but not words
  4)…or give the first half of a collocation, their task is to listen and complete it
  5)…or give them the target vocabulary, play it once again but without sound, their task is to reconstruct the dialogue

·         Showing short films
- Predicting the story from the film title or from the opening shot
-After watching a short film, your students write observation questions to ask their partner (What was the girl wearing?)
-…or their task may be to write a prequel or a sequel to it

                                    Text author: Marina Stamenković, Eglish teacher in 
                                                              Concord Language School 


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