LANGUAGE IS MUSIC. So why shouldn't we learn a language with music? You may find the answer in the text below...

To many people across the globe, music is an important part of everyday life. Whether Flamenco in Sevilla, opera in Milan, techno in Munich or American pop in Los Angeles, music brings people together and helps define unique cultures. In addition to its cultural importance, many studies have found that music plays a key role in early language acquisition and can also help boost language learning. Neurologists have found that musical and language processing occurs in the same area of the brain, and there appear to be parallels in how musical and linguistic syntax are processed (Maess & Koelsch, 2001). Inside the classroom, music can be a great way to motivate students of all levels to learn new world languages and help them practice grammar, retain vocabulary and improve pronunciation. The benefits of using music as a tool for second language acquisition are extensive. First and foremost, songs teach linguistic elements, such as vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Through lear...