
Приказују се постови за децембар, 2016

British New Year – Traditions and Customs

British celebrations of New Year are defined and precise reflection of the customs, cultures, and traditions as followed and hold by British people. Even in the time of the modern world, when everything which one can think of has grown itself into an unimaginable world, festivals and the way they are celebrated are no exception. However, with the New Year celebrations in British, one can clearly draw a prominent exception in the list. It is not that British totally evade itself from accepting the changing times, and the changing way of celebrations. But, they do change, but at the same time ensuring that they remain intact with their own customs and traditions even in the changing circumstances. New Year celebrations are a clear reflection of that. British celebrate New Year on January 1, i.e. the first date of the first month of the Georgian calendar. British celebrations reflect high vigor, enthusiasm, pleasure, and delight; and at the same times give a glance of ...

Czego szukasz w Święta? | English for beginners

Učiti strani jezik možemo u bilo kom životnom dobu... Pogledajte kako je ovaj strpljivi deka u reklami učio engleski i šta ga je zapravo motivisalo...

Poreklo novogodišnjeg slavlja i kićenja jelke

Smatra se da su Vavilonci slavili Novu godinu, a najranije zabeležena proslava „najluđe noći” dogodila se u Mesopotamiji pre oko 2000 godina Antropolozi smatraju da se prelazak iz stare u novu kalendarsku godinu, iako za to nemaju čvrste dokaze, slavi četiri hiljade godina! Takođe, 1. januar nije oduvek bio ulaznica za sledeću godinu, već se u raznim kulturama ta granica obeležavala od decembra do maja. Smatra se da su pre četiri milenijuma Novu godinu slavili Vavilonci, a  najranije zabeležena proslava „najluđe noći”  dogodila se u Mesopotamiji pre oko dve hiljade godina i obeležavala se sredinom maja. Prelazak iz stare u novu godinu slavili su i Egipćani, Feničani i Persijanci, stari Grci. Prvog dana marta ulazak u novu godinu obeležavali su Rimljani, a njihov tadašnji kalendar je imao svega 10 meseci.  Zanimljivo je da mesec  januar nije postojao do 700. pre nove ere , kada je drugi rimski kralj Numa Pompilije dodao prva dva meseca kalendara ko...