Nekoliko korisnih saveta svim kolegama kako da uspešno i efikasno organizuju nastavu u svojoj učionici: HOW TO MANAGE THE CLASSROOM EFFECTIVELY


Have rules: It is important to have a basic set of rules for students to follow.  These regulations will help maintain classroom management and discipline.  These rules do not have to be anything advanced; they can be as simple as making sure that all students adhere to timely attendance and making sure that everyone knows the consequences of missing or late assignments.
Have expectations: If your students know what you want from them, they are more likely to exhibit the type of behavior you want.  Start out the day with explaining what you expect from your students and how they are expected to behave.  Be detailed and positive.

Make students aware of the rules: Every school has its own disciplinary rules that students should be expected to flow.  Make sure that your students are aware of the rules and the consequences if the rules are not adhered to.
Make the rules known to parents as well: Student’s parents should also be aware of the management techniques that you are implementing in the classroom.  You should ask parents to go over these rules with the students at home so that everyone is on the same page, and so that students know that their parents expect this behavior from them as well.
Review rules regularly: The thing with children is that you need to be consistent.  Remind your students regularly about the rules and expectations for their behavior to aid in proper classroom management.  Ask them if they have any questions and allow them to voice their opinions.
Be firm and consistent: When you make your rules to manage your classroom, make sure that they are realistic and void of any inconsistencies.  Approach the rules in a positive manner so that students do not associate any negativity with it.  Feel free to reward students for their positive behavior when you see that they are contributing to effective classroom management.
Be professional: An effectively managed classroom is conducted with professionalism and adequate structure.  Students who are presented with a good authority figure who has a plan and follows it will fit in to the structure nicely.

Have a printed packet: In case you are unable to attend class one day, make sure that you have a printed packet of your classroom management techniques handy for a substitute.  Your classroom should be aware that, even in your absence, they should still be able to manage themselves wisely and that all rules still apply.  If students show structure and compliance in your absence, it will make both you and your classroom look well-managed and efficient.
Deal with troublemakers: No matter how great your plan or classroom management techniques are, there are always going to be students that want to disrupt your class or not follow rules.  Speak with these students early on and discuss plans of action with higher authority, such as school administrators or principals.  Early detection and dealing with these types of students will make the rest of the classroom know that you mean business.

Author: Kyle Jeng 


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