Nekoliko korisnih saveta svim kolegama kako da uspešno i efikasno organizuju nastavu u svojoj učionici: HOW TO MANAGE THE CLASSROOM EFFECTIVELY

HOW TO MANAGE A CLASSROOM EFFECTIVELY Have rules: It is important to have a basic set of rules for students to follow. These regulations will help maintain classroom management and discipline. These rules do not have to be anything advanced; they can be as simple as making sure that all students adhere to timely attendance and making sure that everyone knows the consequences of missing or late assignments. Have expectations: If your students know what you want from them, they are more likely to exhibit the type of behavior you want. Start out the day with explaining what you expect from your students and how they are expected to behave. Be detailed and positive. Make students aware of the rules: Every school has its own disciplinary rules that students should be expected to flow. Make sure that your students are aware of the rules and the consequences if the rules are not adhered to. Make the rules known to parents as well: Stu...