Приказују се постови за јун, 2016
Are children much better language learners than adults?
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Meet my friend Yukine. She’s 7 years old and speaks 5 languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, German and Sign Language . When I visited the Canary Islands recently, we sat down for a chat, and I asked her about her languages and what she likes about each of them. Now, it’s a common myth that children are much better language learners than adults . Unfortunately, this is a myth that’s perpetuated wherever you go, and is often used by adults to justify not trying so hard themselves… Children just soak up languages like a sponge, but it’s too late for me now. When you watch this video, you may find yourself feeling the same thing. But I want you to look a bit deeper into exactly how Yukine has managed to learn these languages, because there’s a very important lesson in there. How a child can learn 5 languages Here are the facts: She lives in Spain She speaks Spanish and Japanese at home with her parents She attends an English medium internatio...
7 year old polyglot speaks 5 languages
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Konkurs za studente vodiče/volontere
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“Fondacija za međunarodnu komunikaciju”, u saradnji sa školom stranih jezika “Concord Language School” objavljuje KONKURS ZA STUDENTE VODIČE/VOLONTERE Za učešće i rad na edukativnom projektu „Belgrade Summer School 2016“ koji sadrži obrazovni deo u vidu časova jezika i društveni deo u vidu organizovanih obilazaka Beograda i njegove okoline potrebni su studenti turistički vodiči/volonteri. Period i mesto učešća: 18.07. do 30.07.2016. god. Beograd Potrebne kvalifikacije su: 1. Adekvatno poznavanje engleskog jezika (proveru nivoa znanja će raditi Concord Language Scool) 2. Adekvatno poznavanje grada Beograda i istorijsko-geografskih činjenica grada Beograda Aktivnosti u kojima će vodiči volonteri učestvovati: 1. Učešće u vannastavnim aktivnostima projekta „Belgrade Summer School 2016“ u vidu vođenja grupa studenata učesnika programa tok...
Belgrade Summer School 2016 - Applications still available... Hurry up and book your pleace!
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Otvaranje "Srpskog resursnog centra" u Belgorodu, Rusija
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Concord Language School je višegodišnji partner Tehnološkog univerziteta V.G.Šuhov iz našeg bratskog grada Belgoroda u Rusiji. Nedavno je i zvanično otvoren "Srpski resursni centar" čiji je cilj i misija širenje i popularisanje srpskog jezika, književnosti i kulture van naših granica, u ovom slučaju u Rusiji. Ovim putem još jednom čestitamo našoj dragoj koleginici, direktorki "Srpskog resursnog centra" Viktoriji Rjapuhinoj koja je svojim nesebičnim zalaganjem i trudom uspela da finalizuje ovaj projekat.