
Приказују се постови за мај, 2016

Importance of English in the Business world

Success in business is often hinged on one single important word – communication; and most of it happens in English. The world is flat; the economic migrations of the past decades have become permanent expat communities. Asians, especially, continue to migrate to the United States or to Europe for jobs and live there permanently. Even for those involved in business from their native countries, if they want to sell to a larger market, need to understand the trends and the cultures of those markets. This is often best done through the common currency that is English. Love it or hate it, we simply can’t ignore it. Big businesses call the shots, so if in Germany you do as the Germans do, in the common world market, learn English. In order to get ahead in your chosen field you need to make yourself completely understood by the people you work with. There will be emails; there will be telephone conversations, and they are costly! Knowing good English helps you to make your p...

Majske akcije i popusti u Concord Language School

VIKEND KONVERZACIJSKI KURSEVI (engleski, francuski, ruski, italijanski) Trajanje kursa: dva meseca, svake subote Početak kursa: 16.05.2016. Vreme održavanja nastave: Od 10h do 12h. Broj polaznika: od 4 do 6 Cena kursa: 90 e Cena sa popustom: 50e Ukoliko zbog obaveza tokom radne nedelje ne stižete da pohađate kurseve jezika, a želite da naučite da efektno komunicirate na stranom jeziku onda je  VIKEND KONVERZACIJSKI KURS  pravi kurs za vas.  Na ovom kursu vi ćete: Razviti konverzacijske veštine i unaprediti fluentnost Slušati i učestvovati u diskusijama, debatama, prezentacijama Naučiti ključne reči i izraze Naučiti da započnete razgovor o različitim temama na stranom jeziku Naučiti da komunicirate sa više samopouzdanja Unaprediti veštine govora,  slušanja i razumevanja Naši  VIKEND KONVERZACIJSKI KURSEVI  su osmišljeni tako da svojom dinamičnošću, raznolikošću tema, upotrebom multimedije i stručnim i iskusnim profesorim...